The playable races come in the form of Elves, Humans, Dwarves, Vulpari and Issahk.
High Elves
Elves hail from the northern forest of Avenshar main lands. They are generally
tall and lithe. Typically, they maintain a strong bond with nature and their
surrounding environments. They are more agile and more intelligent than humans, but
they are also physically weaker.
Full grown elves come in varying heights, measuring between five and a half feet to six feet tall.
Eyes and hair come in a myriad of rich color, not unlike the flora found amongst their dwellings. Elves
are often extremely pale or extremely dark in skin tone.
Due to their high intelligence, longevity and social protocols, the other sentient races of Avenshar
find elves to appear haughty and stand offish. Elves typically seek intellectual pursuits. They are
not 'weak', though. What they lack in sheer physical power, they make up for in strategic use of
their amazing agility.
Humans have managed to spread themselves upon the four winds, taking up
refuge in any nook or cranny the environs of Avenshar would allow. Generally,
they prefer large city like communities in open areas. Hearty and highly adaptive,
humans have a knack for survival. Yet, their physical traits in general are average
when compared to the other races of Avenshar.
Humans may be found in all shapes and sizes. From tall and thin to short and portly, there
is not one defining characteristic aside from the variety these folk exhibit. Hair colors
include shades of red, black, brown, and blonde; eyes may be found in shades of blue, green or
The human communities find an exceptional pride and joy in the city of Stoneport. Stoneport was
initially a human settlement which ultimately grew and prospered into the capital city of Avenshar's
mainland. The current king of Avenshar is of human lineage as have been the kings of the past. Tales and
legends even suggest that it was a human, long ago, that brought together the sentient races of the known
world resulting in the kingdom of Avenshar.
Mountain Dwarves
Mountain Dwarves call the eastern mountains of Avenshar's mainlands home.
For centuries, these barrel chested folk have worked the stone and earth. Blessed
with above average strength and amazing fortitude, dwarves are highly survivable.
Their most notable traits are stubborness and a love for ales of all
Dwarves typically stand no more than four feet tall. Their build is often quite rotund - to
describe them as 'short and squat' is not an understatement. Their skin tones border on the
side of extremely light to pale. Hair colors typically found range between black, brown and
a fiery red. Dwarven eye color often comes in black or brown, though other colors such as
emerald, are not uncommon.
Beards of males are the pride of the dwarven community. Great care
is taken to protect and nurture the beard into a showpiece and status symbol.
The highly agile and intelligent Vulpari claim to come from deep within the forests
far south of Avenshar. They are foxlike in appearance with triangular ears set atop
their heads and have short fur covering the majority of their bodies. A long, bushy tail
completes their appearance. Impish in nature, they have gained the reputation as being
pranksters thus causing distrust of their presence amongst both dwarves and elves.
Their build is rather slender and they typically stand between four feet tall and five and
a half feet tall. They are highly social with their own kind. Initially, Vulpari are untrusting
of other races, yet warm up to them quickly once a minimal trust is gained.
The Issahk are a lizard-like folk that come from a harsh, desert island located
south of mainland Avenshar. Along with their digitigrade stance, hairless skin and
complete lack of outter ears, they also possess a whip-like tail that is
often used during combat to batter their foes.
The Issahk live in clan units comprised of multiple families and are
led by the most dominant member of their society. Gender does not play a role in leadership.
Instead, a leader is chosen through a long process consisting of brutal, physical matches of strength,
agility and fortitude that occassionally end in death.
As the Issahk maintain an intense distrust in magic,
very few delve into the practice of manipulating the arcane. Due to their isolated desert environment,
brutal ways and distrust of outsiders, the Issahk have never become formal members of the Avensharian
kingdom and have been often viewed as enemies. Their recent inclusion into the Avenshar King's call to
Kehl has created much rumbling and talk amongst Avenshar's nobles.